If all other payment methods are not suitable to you, you can always choose direct bank transfer payment method.
- When you choose bank transfer method at checkout an email will be send to you registered email address.
- Email will contain our “Zam Zam International” Bank details. After receiving email kindly transfer amount in your preferred bank account.
- your order will be on Hold until we received payment confirmation.
- You have to send email eshop@apollosports.pk with payment proof. Our customer support will verify the payment and you will receive auto payment confirmation via email/SMS.
- Pros for Bank Transfer is that you can transfer/deposit any amount by using banks vast branching network.
- Cons for Bank Transfer is that in other methods your payment instantly confirm and your order go directly in processing while in Bank Transfer payment has to confirm manually which will take time.
- It is advised when you are doing big expensive item purchase use bank transfer. First confirm from our customer support about availability of product, Shipping & Installation information then make banks transfer (We give extra care while shipping large orders).
Note: APOLLO is a registered trade mark of “Zam Zam International”. Zam Zam international is legal entity behind APOLLO, You can pay/transfer confidently Zam Zam International Bank account.